Get started#


To use Kingfisher Summarize, you need:


Open a shell, and run:

git clone
cd kingfisher-summarize
pip install -r requirements.txt

All instructions in this documentation assume that you have changed to the kingfisher-summarize directory (the cd command above).



The database connection is configured by setting the KINGFISHER_SUMMARIZE_DATABASE_URL environment variable to the connection URI of the database used by Kingfisher Process.

It can be set on the command line. For example:

export KINGFISHER_SUMMARIZE_DATABASE_URL=postgresql://user:password@localhost:5432/dbname

Or, it can be set in a .env file in the kingfisher-summarize directory. For example:


If you prefer not to store the password in the .env file, you can use the PostgreSQL Password File, ~/.pgpass.

The database user must have the CREATE privilege on the database used by Kingfisher Process. For example, for the default database connection settings:

psql ocdskingfisher -U ocdskingfisher -c 'GRANT CREATE ON DATABASE ocdskingfisher TO ocdskingfisher;'

Optionally, you can configure Kingfisher Summarize to grant to a SQL role the USAGE privilege on the schemas it creates and the SELECT privilege on all tables in the schemas. To do so, set the KINGFISHER_SUMMARIZE_READONLY_ROLE environment variable.



This step is optional.

Logging from the Command-line tools can be configured with a logging.json file in a configuration directory appropriate to your operating system. Set the KINGFISHER_SUMMARIZE_LOGGING_JSON environment variable to override the default path. Read more about Reading logs.

You’re now ready to use Kingfisher Summarize.