Edit SQL files#

You should be familiar with SQL and the Open Contracting Data Standard. You don’t need to know Python, as there’s no need to touch Kingfisher Summarize’s Python files, only its SQL files.

This how-to guide will walk you through the steps of editing SQL files (if you haven’t already, please follow the Setup guide):

  1. Make your changes to the SQL files

  2. Review your changes

  3. Update the documentation

  4. Run the tests, to make sure your changes were successful and didn’t break anything else.

  5. Format the SQL files

  6. To merge your changes, push your changes to GitHub and make a pull request

Make changes#

Example: Add a column#

We want to add the description values of the Tender and Award objects to the tender_summary and awards_summary views. (Note: This is already done.)

  1. Find the SQL file to change.

    • The tender_summary.sql file contains the CREATE VIEW tender_summary statement.

  2. Find the SQL statement to change.

    • The tender_summary view selects from the tender_summary_no_data table.

  3. Add the description field to the SELECT clause for the tender_summary_no_data table.

    • You can see the other OCDS fields in the statement. Add it alongside those.

    CREATE TABLE tender_summary_no_data AS
        tender ->> 'id' AS tender_id,
        tender ->> 'title' AS tender_title,
        tender ->> 'status' AS tender_status,
        tender ->> 'description' AS tender_description, -- OUR ADDITION
  4. Do the same for the table summarizing the Award object, by editing the SELECT clause for the awards_summary_no_data table in the awards_summary.sql file.

        award ->> 'title' AS award_title,
        award ->> 'status' AS award_status,
        award ->> 'description' AS award_description, -- OUR ADDITION

Example: Add an aggregate#

We want to add the number of Document objects (in total and for each documentType value) across all Planning objects to the release_summary view. (Note: This is already done.)

tender_document_documenttype_counts and total_tender_documents columns already exist for Tender objects. We can follow their example to add planning_document_documenttype_counts and total_planning_documents columns.

This example demonstrates how temporary (tmp_*) tables are used to build final tables.

  1. The tender_document_documenttype_counts term occurs in the agg_tender.sql file, which populates a tmp_tender_documents_aggregates table with that column. Following this template, we create this file:

    CREATE TABLE tmp_planning_documents_aggregates AS
        jsonb_object_agg(coalesce(documentType, ''), documentType_count) planning_document_documenttype_counts
    FROM (
            count(*) documentType_count
        GROUP BY
            documentType) AS d
    CREATE UNIQUE INDEX tmp_planning_documents_aggregates_id ON tmp_planning_documents_aggregates (id);
  2. Next, the tmp_tender_documents_aggregates term occurs in the release_summary.sql file, which JOIN s the table into the release_summary_no_data table. Following this template, we add this clause in that file:

    LEFT JOIN tmp_planning_documents_aggregates USING (id)
  3. Next, the total_tender_documents term occurs in the release_summary.sql file, in a JOIN clause. Following this template, we add this clause in that file:

            documents_count AS total_planning_documents
            planning_summary) AS planning_summary USING (id)
  4. Finally, drop the tmp_ table in the sql/final/drop.sql file:

    DROP TABLE tmp_planning_documents_aggregates;


The order of the JOIN s controls the order of the columns in the table.

Review changes#

Review your changes by comparing to the initial summaries you created when loading data. Create new summaries:

./manage.py add 1 "Review new column" --name review_new_column

Then, check that the data is as you expect it to be. (If you’re viewing the data in a PostgreSQL client, don’t forget to refresh it.)

Update documentation#

The tests won’t pass if you don’t document the new columns!

  1. Edit the docs.sql file to add comments on the new columns:

    • The comments should be in the same order as the corresponding columns in the tables. You can use other comments for similar columns as a template.

    -- For the "Add a column" example
    COMMENT ON COLUMN %1$s.tender_id IS 'Value of the ``id`` field in the tender object';
    COMMENT ON COLUMN %1$s.tender_title IS 'Value of the ``title`` field in the tender object';
    COMMENT ON COLUMN %1$s.tender_status IS 'Value of the ``status`` field in the tender object';
    COMMENT ON COLUMN %1$s.tender_description IS 'Value of the ``description`` field in the tender object'; -- OUR ADDITION
    -- For the "Add an aggregate" example
    COMMENT ON COLUMN %1$s.total_planning_documents IS 'Length of the ``planning/documents`` array';
    COMMENT ON COLUMN %1$s.planning_document_documenttype_counts IS 'JSONB object in which each key is a unique ``documentType`` value and each value is its number of occurrences in the ``planning/documents`` array';
  2. Run the add command (replacing COLLECTION_ID below):

    ./manage.py add COLLECTION_ID docs
  3. Review your changes.

    • In your PostgreSQL client, Look at relevant tables’ schemas to check that new comments appear.

  4. Update the documentation files (replacing NAME below):

./manage.py dev docs-table-ref NAME

Format SQL files#

We use pg_format to consistently format SQL files. On macOS, using Homebrew, install it with:

brew install pgformatter

Then, run:

find . -name '*.sql' -exec pg_format -f 1 -p '%1\$s' -o {} {} \;

Merge your changes#

If your changes are for your own use only, you’re done!

If you want to share your changes with others:

  1. Create a new branch in your git repository and commit your changes:

    git checkout -b my-changes
    git commit -a -m 'Add X column to Y table'
  2. Push the changes to GitHub:

    git push -u origin my-changes
  3. Follow the link in the output to create a pull request. The maintainers will assign your pull request for review, and merge it as appropriate.

To apply your changes to existing schema created by Kingfisher Summarize, see Upgrade Kingfisher Summarize.