
First, follow the Setup guide, and read this page. Then, learn how to Edit SQL files or follow the How-to guides.

SQL files

The SQL statements that summarize data are stored in SQL files in the sql/middle directory. The add command runs these SQL files.

The dependencies between SQL files are automatically determined. Files should create one table and/or view and related indices, and should not drop tables. Instead, any temporary tables should be dropped in sql/final/drop.sql.

SQL files are named after the tables they create, though some files don’t match table names:


For example, the tmp_planning_summary table is created in the planning_tmp.sql file, so that it appears next to files that create planning tables.


For example, the buyer_summary table is created in the parties_buyer_summary.sql file, so that it appears next to other files that create parties tables.


For example, the tmp_planning_documents_aggregates table is created in the agg_planning.sql file, so that it appears next to other files that create temporary aggregates.